Graphic support for architects, engineers, and real estate made simple

Unlimited architectural graphics and presentations for a monthly fee. Simple, no surprises.


Latest Projects

Rue Chartreux’s founder, Scott Corey, has nearly two decades of experience collaborating with architects and developers. Scott’s career began in Princeton, New Jersey, and includes experience in Brussels, Miami, and New York where he spent ten years developing drawings and presentations for public presentations and RFP’s. He is also a devoted educator teaching architectural graphics to undergraduate students NJIT and NYIT. Over the course of his career he’s worked on 147 projects, 764 presentations, he’s created over 5600 images with 1437 Illustrator files and 562 Rhino3d files.

Rue Chartreux was founded to take the skills developed over twenty years to make clear graphic design more accessible to designers of the built environment.

How does it work?

1. Request

Request a drawing or presentation when they come up. Email or Slack works.

2. Design

Depending on the complexity, a draft will be sent back within two business days.

3. Review

I will revise all drawings and presentations until they match your expectations.

Presentation Design | Architecture Presentation | Chicago

One sample page from a digital project proposal, built to order.

Presentations, Drawings, and More

  • Illustrated Plans, Sections & Elevations

  • Leasing Plans

  • Site Maps & Aerial Photography

  • GIS Site Research

  • 3d Massings Diagrams

  • Site & Design Diagrams

  • Powerpoint Decks

  • Indesign Documents for PDF or Print

  • Infographics, Charts & Diagrams

  • 3d Print Preparation

  • Software & Workflow Lessons


A few of our clients:


The Benefits of
Rue Chartreux

Fixed Monthly Rates

There are no surprises with options for one month of graphic help or a reduced price for 2+ months of recurring service.

Fast Delivery

Get at least a draft within two business days on average.

Flexible plans

One plan for Presentations, one plan for Illustrations, and one plan for all of the above.

Simple Per Project Pricing

I have a few specialties; if you know what you want, you can get that done quickly at a fixed price


Is Rue Chartreux
right for you?

Every project deserves beautiful representation. It doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. How can I help?